
From January to April, the profit margin of the accumulated main business of the sewing machinery manufacturing industry in China gradually increased

2018-12-13 11:08:46

From January to April 2015, the profit margin of main business of sewing machinery manufacturing industry in China was 5.27%, up -0.01% year on year. From January to February, the cumulative profit margin of main business income was 4.52%, with year-on-year growth of -1.22%. From January to march, the cumulative profit margin of main business income was 4.74%, up by -0.89% year on year. From January to April, the cumulative profit margin of main business income was 5.27%, up -0.01% year on year. 


红原县| 云浮市| 乐安县| 砀山县| 郯城县| 克东县| 科技| 张家界市| 龙门县| 陇川县| 文水县| 四川省| 廉江市| 山西省| 张家川| 格尔木市| 华蓥市| 方正县| 扎囊县| 牡丹江市| 镇康县| 疏附县| 博野县| 乾安县| 呼图壁县| 上饶县| 抚州市| 东阳市| 九龙坡区| 崇信县| 湛江市| 隆昌县| 曲水县| 永顺县| 宁夏| 勃利县| 昆明市| 漳州市| 襄城县| 荆州市| 英吉沙县|